Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A New Adventure....

Looking back on the past year or two, I've realized how much has happened in my life. I have major upsets to amazing moments. I've never really known where the road would leave me: what would I see? Who would I meet? What would I learn? What would I feel? When would things change? Every kind of question you can think of, I've asked myself. And the truth is, everything and more has taken place.

I think one of the biggest things I'm dealing with is how there are people out there that will do everything in their power to make you feel you're not worthy. Worthy of what? Being worth to yourself, first of all, being worthy as a human, a friend, a coworker, an artist, everything. I'm struggling to find out why people will do this to another person. The answer, I'll never know. I don't think it's something you can answer. At the same time, I'm also beyond thankful for those people who upon talking to, have opened my eyes to another world. I'm always amazed at how amazing the artist in everyone plays it's own tune. So that in itself, almost erases all the negative others will try to force on you.

So after months of constant work, heartache, frustration, emotions and everything else, I'm embarking on a new adventure. I've tried various lines of "work" and have come to the conclusion all I want is to be happy creating pieces that mean something to me and maybe someone else as well. I want to talk to people with the same drive and learn from them as well. There are so many paths to this one road, I'm looking forward to this journey.

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