There’s one band that has been calling everyone’s attention all over the world: their heavy rifts to crooning melodies, All That Remains is on the rise and getting the recognition that they deserve. Wrapping up touring in the
STILLCODA: What’s it like having songs featured on movies and games like Saw III, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, etc?
MIKE: It kind of serves as a promotional tool for the younger generation. We actually have a Guitar Hero so we’ve played the game anyways but once our song was on it, we would sit in the back of the bus and try to play it over and over again. It was kind of hilarious but also surreal cause it says your name in it and everything. For me, it was having our individual names in there that me so excited (both laugh).
STILLCODA: How is it playing your song on Guitar Hero vs actual playing the real thing? Is it as confusing as other musicians have said?
MIKE: Yea, it’s definitely completely different and it’s definitely not like a real instrument. Trying to get used to color coding….wow (both laugh).
STILLCODA: You’re on tour in
MIKE: It’s going really well, again very surreal cause we’re playing big festivals. Within the last 3 months, we’ve played with bands I never thought it’d humanly possible to play with. We’ve been really lucky not only to play for so many people but also being able to play with a bunch of bands that’s we’ve always liked or bands that we just never thought we’d see again. We played some shows with Limp Bizkit which was hilarious; Korn, Staind, Alice in Chains and Slipknot. It’s just been ridiculous. The craziest thing was that Sammy Hagar played the other night and he walked by me in the dressing room. I was like “Holy shit!” You want to say hi to them or something but I’m always afraid some big security guards gonna tackle me and beat the shit outta me (both laugh). They’re definitely a different level than us so it’s just crazy.
STILLCODA: What are some differences in touring in
MIKE: There’s not a lot of differences in shows and stuff. The airports are defiantly different. Some of the smaller areas, the fans are a little crazier (laughs). They’re not as ‘spoiled’ as they don’t get as many shows. But as far as the rest of touring goes, being spoiled Americans like us (laughs), there are certain luxuries that are scarce over here that kinda bums us out at times. But we suck it up. A lot of the time, we get these really nice hotels and say “Oh man this is beautiful,” then find out there’s no air conditioning, and we’re in the summer time (both laugh). So it’s hard to come by air conditioning and also ice. Ice isn’t to be found. It’s a foreign concept over here (both laugh). And the food is….generally…it’s kind of terrible too (laughs). We had McDonalds today and I was so siked! We call it the American Embassy cause every time I see a McDonalds or something, I get so excited. So whenever we see one, we say “Oh look! It’s the American Embassy!” (Both Laugh). I feel like a kid in the back seat waiting for a Happy Meal (both laugh).
STILLCODA: Throughout the bands history, the band has had it’s share of members. Now, having the same members for the past few years, how have these changes made the band stronger today?
MIKE: Yea, having the same 5 members makes everything a lot better on every angle. It’s just a pain in the ass in general, to switch members and what not. But after everyone’s solid, the chemistry for writing is so much better. Everyone knows each others writing processes so no one steps on anyone’s toes or anything. Writing for most bands happens like once every two years for those on tour but for others it’s once every year. So when we get together to write, we know each other well enough to know when someone’s having a bad say (laughs). It’s just nice on all levels to have the same people for once. We’ve had the same members for about 2.5 years and that’s a record for us (both laugh).
STILLCODA: What’s been the writing process like now for the band in general?
MIKE: With the individual parts, Oli our guitar player, comes up with a bunch of different parts. He’ll come in with a computer basically full with several different rifts, rough song structures. That’s when we all together and go from there. So doing an actual song, is a five way deal with us. But Oli’s definitely bringing in the most in the beginning. We’re so lucky to have someone like him, that’s able to crank them out like that.
STILLCODA: The latest album, “Overcome,” was released in September 2008. What’s some of the responses that you’ve gotten since it’s been out?
MIKE: It’s been weird actually. It’s by far been the most successful album, so with more success comes more hate I guess. It’s kind of like the hate on the internet is a sign you’re doing well (both laugh). You go from being the underground-sweetheart band on the internet to being on the Billboard charts and such, to having people pissed off that you’re doing well (both laugh). I’ll take the extra criticism if it sells 3x as many albums as the previous one.
STILLCODA: Is it almost bittersweet to know that there’s all this “hate” out there but at the same time, the shows are always sick, everyone seems to know the songs and you’re playing with other bands you never thought you’d ever tour with?
MIKE: The balance between the two, is different I guess. For every 2 posts of people not liking something, there’s 1000 other posts saying how much they love the music. So it’s hard to explain. Like I’ve seen posts about how some people know every song but see another saying that they hope our bus flips off a cliff and we all die (laughs).
STILLCODA: You’re like “Really? Was that really necessary?” (laughs).
MIKE: Exactly! So I just choose to skip those ones. It’s just easier that way.
STILLCODA: Speaking of experiencing things, what’s a crazy story that’s happened to the band recently?
MIKE: It’s so funny that you asked that cause two nights ago when we were playing in
STILLCODA: What about any crazy fan stories?
MIKE: Yeah! We played the show in
STILLCODA: I saw you guys play at Rock on the Range in
MIKE: It was awesome! We got to play with
STILLCODA: With all the positive feedback, what’s something you’re looking to do in the next 6 months?
MIKE: Just to have a great time on the tours, sell more records, just anything; To have a good time and keep going.
STILLCODA: Well I can’t wait to see what you guys bring in the coming year and hope to see you play again! Thank you so much for talking with me today! Good luck on the rest of the tour and we’ll see you soon!
MIKE: Not a problem! Thank you and we’ll see you soon too!
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