Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh No Fiasco Interview


Members: Lindsey, Colin, Seth, Thomas, Kamryn

This Knoxville Tennessee female led group blends pop/rock/alternative/ and dance seamlessly to come with a sound that’s all theirs. Not only does it show the group’s ability to delve into many genres of music, it shows great talent and knowledge to bring all these sounds together onto one album.

We had a chance to talk with the band during their tour stop in Minneapolis, MN on probably one of the hottest days of the year.

STILLCODA: You guys were previously known as “The Few,” tell us a little about the transition to Oh No Fiasco?

L- It’s the same members as before. We could not be found online, which is the biggest thing now. When you’re in a band, to be able to Google your name and have your pages come up, we were always mistaken for someone else. The Marines had a lot on The Few, so we decided last year that we had to make a change, if we were actually to have a chance to do this and be known. People would say, “we heard you were playing, but we can’t find you at all.” So we changed the name, January this year. Honestly, it fits better with how we perform on stage. We like to be random in photo-shoots…video shoots. We wear costumes. We like to make this chaotic thing and it works for us.

STILLCODA: This is your first stop in Minneapolis and you are touring with RED, what’s it like being on tour and what experiences do you hope to take away with you?

L- People are so nice here. We we’re not expecting it to be this hot!

We definitely get the extremes.

L-This is day two, so we’re still getting to know them, but so far its been terrific.

C- Everyone has been really nice too. Usually it’s kinda like separations between the bands, but this is a good tour. Everyone is super friendly, humble and nice, it’s been a great experience.

L- We kinda wish RED was in our name. (laughs) So we are wearing red pants (tonight).

STILLCODA: You guys are gaining momentum obviously, and fans. What has been the response from people so far?

T- It’s been fantastic and ever growing. Every time we play we get more and more support and more and more people following us. It couldn’t be better.

C- That would be an audible thumbs up (laughs)

STILLCODA: Being a female front lead singer, what are your feelings and responses. Are you finding a comparison with other female lead singers?

L- There are just, not that many (female singers) and actually there are a lot more now, then ten years ago. But definitely, the big named bands that people go to will compare me to them, which just happens. It is very fun being the female singer in a band, because you don’t have to lift anything heavy… (laughs) I think the thing that annoys me most being a female singer in an upcoming band is, I always get mistaken for someone else, like “are you running merch, tonight?” Or they say “are you with the band or are you just the girlfriend.” And I’m like, “no I’m going to sing! I’m the singer.”

STILLCODA: What’s one thing you look forward too after touring?

T- More touring!

L- Maybe a few nights in my own bed.

C - Our dogs!

S - I’m actually looking forward to our video release, which should be coming out about the time we get off the road or close thereby.

L- Also after we get off the road this summer, we are going to start writing again, which we all love. With the release of this album, it only has seven songs on it… we definitely NEED to start writing to get more out there. So that’s really exciting.

Can you say more about that... What was the experience like writing the first album and why did you choose only seven songs?

T- We wanted to keep it short and sweet. Pick the best songs possible and I think the songs we picked are a culmination of our favorite material that we wrote over the past year and a half since we’ve been together.

L- We wrote over twenty songs but wanting to stick with the genre and where we are headed and without sounding the same, it worked best for us.

STILLCODA: How did you develop your sound? There is a little bit of dance/rock/pop

T- It’s everyone’s influences rolled into one nice fun collection of songs.

STILLCODA: What’ one thing that helps bring the creative energy to the group both on stage or off, such as in the studio?

T- Each other really. We love each other.

L - We actually are one of those bands that really get along. I know for writing, changing our atmosphere really helps and gets the brain going to be more creative. Before going on stage, we usually get together, do a little power talk, power hug.

S - Awww. You know we talk a little trash about each other. Get the vibe right (laughs)

C- Stretching is a good thing. Getting a good stretch in definitely helps.

STILLCODA: What’s one thing you hope people take away from your show?

L- I want people to have fun. I want them to walk away saying they were not expecting to see anything like that when they came to the show tonight. We just have so much fun on stage, you can tell we get along really well and we do enjoy this very much.

C- I’ll second that. I think it’s the goal of the whole band, not to sum it up for everyone. We have a lot of fun with what we do. It’s why we do it, is to have fun and grow as a band.

To see more about Oh No Fiasco,

go online to:

or facebook page at

and follow them on twitter!

-Interview by Morris Goodwin-

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