Call them by any other name, but Default is definitely a group that has staying power. Comes and Goes is their fourth album from this Canadian band. Though this album dropped back in October ‘10, their songs hit the US charts gathering new fans and surprising old fans with amazing new sounds.
With singles such as “Supposed To Be” have had fans new and old alike making them a more permanent household name here in the states. Doesn’t hurt that this band was discovered by Nickelback’s singer Chad Kroeger. Some call Default post grunge, some refer to them as more alternative, hearing songs like “Turn it On” definitely has this old rock style that also popular group Halestorm is bringing back to forefront of today’s modern rock, Default proves they have the quality and ability to create great music.
Vocalist Dallas Singer has an incredible voice that carries and holds through the strong rifts, hard chords, key changes and tons of instrumentals in the entire album. “Comes and Goes” begins hard and fast, sliding into smooth rhythmic ballads such as “Little to Late” and ends just like it began. “Show Me,” reminded me a little of that old flair Goo Goo Dolls are so famous for. This orchestral rich song carries the instrumentals and vocals and deepens the melody, heightening your journey through the song.
Their album cover song surprised me. It carried a notable dissonance not found in any of their other songs on the album. Eerily beautiful and rich in the melodies and vocals, “Comes and Goes,” was quite enjoyable and just proved that Default is capable of more then just hard rock tunes.
Towards the end of the album “Fascination” definitely caught my ear. It was hard and rough textured. Real solid rifts and beats that picked up and carried the album to the end from the lighter tunes and ballads in the middle of the album.
Written by: Morris Goodwin of STILLCODA
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