Rock on the Range 2009
There's a lot to be said for an entire weekend spent running between 3 stages while listening to over 30 bands all in 2 full days. Being sun burnt, exhausted, partially deaf along with several exciting stories, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. The lineup for both days were fantastic, giving everyone a variety of their favorite bands and even including a place to meet said bands. How did it all go down? Well, step down memory lane with me and see what I saw.
Day 1: Saturday. LINEUP:
Alice in Chains
Black Stone Cherry
Early Pearl
Veer Union
Crooked X
Duff McKagans Loaded
Rev Theory
All That Remains
The Leo Project
X Factor 1
Static X
I arrived at Crew Stadium to find lines of people already in the making. While waiting to get in, we talked with several people to find out where everyone was from. Everywhere from Ohio itself to Maine, Texas, Utah, Minnesota, West Virginia to New York had people representing their states. Amongst getting in, you noticed there are 3 stages amongst several food stands, merchandise stands, a tattoo shop along with the various beer stands. First two bands started to play at noon on both Second Stage and the Third Stage (also known as the Jagermeister stage). There was a lot of confusion from people trying to decide which band to see first while trying to make sure they saw all bands if they could. Despite the fact it was suppose to rain and thunderstorm all day, it didn't stop people from enjoying what little sunshine they could get. As people ran between stages, people were already starting their day off with a cold beer and plenty of laughter and singing.
Thru the course of the day, several more bands kicked off their shows on their stages and let it be known why they were are Rock on the Range: to have a hellova good time and rock it out the only way they know how. Some of the favorite bands drew large crowds, especially on the Jagermeister Stage. For such a tiny stage, it drew more attention than what was expected. But then again, it did have awesome musicans playing on it. Some major favorites on this specific stage definetly included Hurt, Static X and X Factor 1. The crowds were unbelieveable and the music was fantastic. Second stage crowd favorites: Rev Theory, All That Remains, Atreyu, Crooked X, Early Pearl. But in all honesty, every single band that stepped onto either stage was beyond stellar in my opinion.
How can I forget main stage? Yeah, there's no way I'd forget about that one. Black Stone Cherry opened up the main stage and put on one of the best shows I've ever seen them put on. Eneregy, crowd involvement, everything was perfect. One of the most talked about bands, Saliva, followed suit. Lead singer, Jose, just had throat surgery not but a few months ago. The crowd was eager to hear from this band. It was if they never left the stage with the front man. As "Click Click Boom" started to play, the entire crowd burst into cheers and song. A much anticipated Flyleaf was up next. Scheduled to play last year, but cancelling the day of due to Lacey having strep throat, everyone was finally going to see the band perform on stage. And they didn't dissapoint. Lacey's grace and talent didn't let anyone down. Chevelle followed with quite a perfromance as well. Crowd surfers, flashers, the whole nine yards wasn't left out of this bands sights. The next band up only needs one word: Korn. While we wait patiently, the mic stand is uncovered. The well known mic and all its glory is awaiting it's master puppeteer. Then it begins. As Korn delves into it's history making show, the crowd goes crazy. Amid the singing, fists in the air, and the mosh pit, all differences are put aside and everyone is now one. Alice In Chains is up next and prove why they're still one of the best bands around. Energy and excitement barely touch what the band brought to the stage. Last but not least, the band that everyone is waiting for, Slipknot. The crowd is intense, the waiting is dripping with anticipation. As one, the entire crowd and band scream and jump together. The intensity of both makes for the perfect moment. This is definetly a show that'll brand itself into eveyrones memories as one of best times of your lives. Overall, the entire day of music, people, stands and food equals a 9 on a scale of 10. The only thing that could have made the day a perfect 10, was the weather. But then again, no one really has control over that so it's okay.
Day 2: Sunday. LINEUP:
Motley Crue
Avenged Sevenfold
Blue October
Saving Abel
Drive A
Framing Hanley
Pop Evil
Sick Puppies
Billy Talent
The Used
Royal Bliss
Burn Halo
Adelitas Way
Charm City Devils
Today, we arrive in much the same fashion as we had on Saturday. But there is a difference in the feel of the day: more excitment, more enthusiam, just a little more of everything I think. The day is turning out to better than expected, sunshine and a breeze. Perfect for those out in the pits getting ready to sweat the entire day and get a little sunburnt in the process.
Starting the day off right, Royal Bliss and Drive A shove the idea of why they're here in your face. Both of their shows are unbelievable and non pulsed talent. But what happens when two of your personal favorite bands play at the exact same time and are on complete ends of fields? You run your ass to see one then book it to see the other before the other bands set is done, thats what. Burn Halo is on the Jager stage and damn. For such a small stage, the crowd is stage swallowing huge. Their are people on the stair cases on Crew Stadium, the entire area looks to be swallowed by the mass of people. Perfect. That's exactly what you want to see for any band. They open and the pure projection of Burn Halo is what eveyrone was waiting for. Across the field on the second stage, Framing Hanley is tearing up their set. They sound great even while running to catch them before their set ends. Catching "Alone in Your Bed, "Lollipop," and "All in Your Hands," is the best way to catch a band: through their best songs.
On main stage, Hoobastank starts to play. A fan favorite, the band is well known for its many hits and is recognized for always putting on a good show. Second and Jager stage continue with the good times with the likes of Pop Evil, Adelitas Way, Sick Pupies, Charm City Devils and a few others. The crowds for both stages are growing in size and the excitment is increasing in its size as well. Every single band to grace either stage, has left it's imprint on each mind there. All the while, back by all the food stands, the FYE tent is set up with several of the days bands doing meet and greets with as many people as they possibly can. I'm pretty sure some people had a few dreams cashed in. You know you would you too, so don't even try to lie to yourself.
Saving Abel brings a little bit of the South with them and brings their well known set to the main stage. Adrenaline and spirit is what makes their show rememberable. Blue October follows suit and offers nothing but the best performance I've ever seen them play. I think there's something about this perticular outside music festival that pulls out those raw emotions of every band and gives them everything they need to put on the best show possible. A return from last years show, Shinedown presents itself amid cheers of the crowd. Always putting on a hellva great show while being well known to support their troops. What better band to have perform on National Armed Forces weekend? I don't think there's any in my opinion. They open with such force and pride, you immediately inhale and a smile is brought upon your face. Almost every crowd surfer that comes close to the stage where lead singer Brent is located, a hand is shook. Even the photographers in the pit are welcomed in the same fashion.
Buckcherry is next. Well known for having an extremely large and hardcore fan base, the band is recieved with cheers and the national "horns." As their set plays, it's clear to why this band is so well known, their antics and energy is something you can't forget. The long awaited closing headliners are offically on next. Avenged Sevenfold. All I have to do is say their name and everyone instantly knows exactly what I'm talking about. Whether you love them or hate them, you can't deny their shows are some of the best around. Period. The crowds have gone crazy at this point, everyone seems to know every word to every song and are even "singing" the guitar solos/duets. Pyros and everything else used is just the icing on the cake. THE headliner for the eveing: Motley Crue. Like many other bands, Crue has managed to beat all the odds and is still touring like they did back in the 80's minus a few minor Rock n Roll tid bits they've cut out. If you haven't ever seen this great band perform live before, what the hell are you waiting for? I have no clue, but get your asses in gear and do it! Their stage presence alone is something you can't ever forget. All the fan favorites along with new songs off their newest album "Saints of Los Angeles." Song after song, beat after beat, the entire day is remembered and is locked away as one of the best weekends you'll ever have.
At the end of the day as you're walking back to your car, your body aches, your skin on fire, stomach rummbling, voice hoarse, there's a satisfied smile on your face. Today was a perfect 10. Even as everyone takes off and once again goes their seperate ways, resturants and fast food joints are packed. The only thing you hear, is talk about Rock on the Range and the things people liked most about which band, etc. Like I said, this is one weekend very few will ever forget and will most likely travel any state to get to next year. So overall, Rock on the Range is one of the best music festivals in the nation. Regardless of weather and all the tiny things, nothing could make this weekend any better...other than being a little longer I might add.
Written by:
-Chelsey Goraczkowski-